Depo Shot
Depo-Provera is the brand-name for “the birth control shot,” a contraceptive injection containing a hormone that prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs.
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Depo-Provera is the brand-name for “the birth control shot,” a contraceptive injection containing a hormone that prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs.
94% effective
If and when you plan to get pregnant, you may get pregnant as soon as 12 weeks following last injection, but for some it can take 9 months.
No protection against STIs. Remember to use a barrier method too, like a condom to protect yourself.
Contains one type of progestin known as Medroxyprogesterone acetate. There is no estrogen. There is a higher dose of progesterone in the shot compared to the “mini-pill”.
This is because of the route that you receive the medication and the fact you receive it every three months.
Requires injection from a health care professional every 3 months
$35 – $45
If you have a drug plan, this may be covered for you.
May reduce symptoms of PMS and endometriosis.
May reduce depression.
May provide decreased risk of anemia, and ovarian and endometrial cancer.
May prevent sickle cell crises, and grand mal seizures.
May make periods lighter, stop your periods by 80% in one year, or stop them completely.