Male Condom

A male condom is a flexible sheath, usually made of latex, that covers the penis and contains the ejaculate, preventing sperm from entering the vagina protecting against both pregnancy and STI’s.

  • Effectiveness

    82% effective

  • Potential Side Effects

    None, but for those allergic to latex, there are latex-free condoms!

  • STI Prevention

    Provides protection against many STI’s if used perfectly, and without breakages.

  • Hormone Free

    Does not contain hormones

  • Accessibility

    Widely available at most drugstores, supermarkets and sexual health clinics.

    Need information on clinics where you can access free condoms? Check out Options for Sexual Health.

  • Cost

    $0 – $5

    Provided free at many sexual health clinics around the province, such as Options for Sexual Health.

  • Health Benefits

    Protection against many STIs.