Vaginal Ring
A Vaginal Ring is a flexible plastic ring, about the size of your hand, that releases hormones into the vagina to stop ovulation and prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg.
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A Vaginal Ring is a flexible plastic ring, about the size of your hand, that releases hormones into the vagina to stop ovulation and prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg.
91% effective
Temporary bleeding, sore breasts, nausea.
No protection against STIs. Remember to use a barrier method too, like a condom to protect yourself.
Contains progestin and estrogen.
Requires a visit with a health care professional to have your blood pressure done. A prescription is given to you by your provider which you can take to a pharmacy. Make sure you receive a prescription for 12 months!
$15 – $55
If you have a drug plan, this may be covered.
Reduces risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer, anemia, ovarian cysts, and PID.
May make periods more regular, lighter and shorter, or prevent them entirely.