
The presence of positive support and the absence of negative judgement from the people around us can be a key factor in how we feel about an abortion.

Usually we look to the people closest to us for support and having them be there for us throughout this process can be very affirming and comforting.

  • Share Your Story

    After an abortion, many women are supported by their partner, friends, family, counsellors or doctors.

    By being able to identify the places and people that you can turn to for support is important. Having coping strategies that help when things are hard is also important for your emotional well-being.

    To help destigmatize the experience of abortion, some women like yourself have blogged about it. Please read their stories here:

    Abortion Conversation Project

    Shout Your Abortion

    Exhale Pro Voice

    So I Had An Abortion

  • Self-Care Techniques

    Remember to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, after the procedure. Because abortion is complex, feelings about it are also complex. There are various activities that can to help you provide for your emotional wellbeing:

    • Journaling – Writing can be very therapeutic. The following questions are helpful to write about to remind oneself of your decision: What were your reasons for having an abortion? How would your life have been different if you had not had an abortion?
    • Health & Well-being – Do you like to exercise? What are your favourite healthy activities? Is there a hobby you already enjoy, or something new you wish to try? Go out and do those things.
    • Get outside – If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and sad, take a walk outside and get some fresh air.
    • Do something nice for yourself – Light a candle and enjoy a hot bath, re-read a favourite book, re-watch a favourite show or movie or get out for a walk.
    • Rest – Take time to listen to what your body needs. Turn off phones and gadgets and have a warm bath or a nap.
    • Be Creative – Being creative, in any way, can be helpful to release any emotions. Draw something, paint something, sing and dance, cook a favourite meal, or explore a favourite old activity in new way.
  • Meditation 101

    Many things in life are beyond our control. But, we can take responsibility for our own states of mind. Meditation is an evidence-based tool proven to improve quality of life, and our ability to cope with stress. All you need is a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Here is a short meditation you can access anytime you need.


    To Learn more, visit Moment Meditation at


  • Sexual Health Care

    It’s important to maintain your general sexual health. Resources and clinics available to help you stay engaged with your self-care include Options for Sexual Health, and the Sex-Sense line.

    Options for Sexual Health

    Sex Sense Line